how to make money online by youtube in smart way

how to make money online by youtube in a smart way

how to make money online by youtube

how to make money online on youtube>smart way> 

without making any videos.In this blog, I'm going to tell you guys .

you don't need to record any videos. 

I'm going to describe you guys the software 

that you can use to create content without recording anything 

and also how you can get ideas for free to make money online via youtube. 

And also ,how you can monetize and get the most of the money from your videos.

grab money online> youtube >no efforts> an introduction


if you want easy money online on youtube with no extra effots then,

make sure to read this article in full.

Also, if you're new to my earn money online blog. 

make sure to enroll yourself for email subscription .

Because, we love to do research on different ideas

to make money online with youtube or other ways. 

So make sure to send your email ids through subscription gadget 

so you don't miss upcoming blog posts.

So guys what type of posts are we going to write here?

we're going to create the type of information .

for new youtubers to make money online 

from youtube videos without any effort .

you don't need actually to show your face is a theory. 

Because,we have the voice over here with the images in the background. 

These type of videos get a lot of views in a lot of likes, 

because they are providing the information what people are looking for. 

So your approach, they have some problem, 

they're looking for solution, and they find it in your video. 

So that is why these kind of videos are very popular. 

You can see most informatory videos have millions of views. 

And you don't need to actually to monetize 

these type of videos with YouTube ads .

Because, you can make more money online 

not only with youtube but also with the other streams of income.

informatory videos easy money online from youtube

Informatory videos are very easy to make. 

So I'm going to tell you guys 

where you can get all of these stacks for free.

And also how you can create these types of videos,

voiceovers for free.

So this is really important 

because as I said, 

you can make way more money online from youtube 

via affiliate marketing then from AdSense. 

you can see they're getting some crazy amounts of views.

The only thing that they do is 

they put images and the text and that is it. 

So, they don't have any special stuff in their videos.

you can create these kind of videos in very short time 

and without recording anything

when you see something that works on YouTube, 

you want to create something similar 

because of the stuff  that excite People

people are looking for that stuff. 

And there is a lot of people 

that are going to watch these type of videos.

FREE PLR ARTICLES to make videos online for money on youtube

So first of all

what you need to do is you go to 


how to make money online by youtube

 that means you can go 

and download high quality articles for free .

you can reuse them and resell them, 

Do whatever you want to do.

So this is really crazy. 

And you can see their premium ebooks ,

software videos and also PLR products ,

you can Sell as your own. 

So when you sign up for free 

then you can see how it works 

because usually what you want to start for free,

 you don't have any money.

You are now signed up in this PLR a website 

and what you can do is you can go with products right there.

you can see there are tons of different videos, 

software's ebooks, graphics.

If you want to check out for example, 

free products. 

So if we go for example, 

with ebooks with private label rights

right here.

private label rights articles inventory

You can go and download any

how to make money online by youtube

of the content, 

any of the ebooks 

and use them for your videos.

They update Every single day, 

there are tons of different new PLR books 

that you can go in download now 

and reuse them as your own.

use ebooks to make money online from youtube

So for example,health This is something very big. 

And you, for example, 

want to use this ebook right here. 

So let's download it.
Find tons of different articles stuff 

that you can use on your website to sell.

or use it for the videos 

that you want to create. 

So if you press download, 

you can see it is starting to download

and we can reuse them on our YouTube video.

I keep browsing this website 

and I have found 53 health related PLR articles. 

So what this means is in this, 

let's call it collection of articles.

how to make money online by youtube

We have tons of different articles .

that we can use Create possibly 

let's say 20 or 30 videos just from these articles 

someone to showcase. 

download any article from these websites 

just press these download 

when you have registered. 

And when you downloaded these articles, 

make sure to open them. 

And right here you can see here 1-53. 

So we have 53 different articles.

create a group of video content

how to make money online by youtube

And you can go in create a 20 or 30 different videos 

from these one download. 

So this is really big 

because you can find almost any content on PLR articles.

you read the moment you don't have any problems .

but people are doing research 

on YouTube to make money online , 

their problems. And if you can solve them, 

they're going to watch it,like it, 

and they're also willing to share your videos. 

that is how you can grow your channel. 

that let's open some random article right here.

And you can see this article is pretty big, 

so you can create one video from this article.

So I want to show you guys 

how you can create videos from articles just like these. 

We don't recording them, 

and we're not going to create some .

Let's call with text images. 

videos, we're not going to do that. 

I'm going to show you guys how you can do it the right way. 

So the first thing that 

you want to do is you want to go on pictory. 

Create videos with pictory

So when you click this link . 

And when you sign up for pictory.

you can start with seven days trial 

so you can try this software for seven days. 

In whatever videos you create in those seven days. 

you can keep them for free.

So you can go and create 20 videos Free 

& you can keep them 

you don't need to remove them 

or something like that.

When you sign up, 

you're going to get seven days trial, 

And after that, if you like the software, 

you can keep it you can buy it for some small price, 

I think $47 per month or something like that. 

say no to credit card information try for free

So they're giving you guys a lot of stuff 

or for really small price. 

You can see on the pricing, 

how much money you can start.

use link below if you want ..

 you don't need to enter your credit card or anything like .

And you can see after that 

it costs $47 per month in anything 

that is very cheap for the software .

because they're giving you guys a lot of value 

and you don't even need to create any content. 

And there is some crazy amounts of free reality images. 

That means you don't need, 

you are not going to get copyright strike or something like that.

 So you don't need to worry about it.

 So once you register for this website for free, 

you can create videos from your articles. 

I know this sounds crazy, 

but I want to show guys how this works.

ONLINE video creation to make money with youtube

when you click right there in on Create a new video,.

you're going to see there are tons of different scripts 

that you can choose to create your video 

but you can start with these stacks. 

Go with text right here. 

click on use the stream plate. 

Right now what you want to do is 

you want to go on articles.

you want to copy this text right here.

Copy this whole text and paste it in pictory .

What pictory going to do for us is ,

they're going to create a video for us for free.

I know this sounds crazy. 

And I want to show guys how this works. 


So you're going to enter your whole script right there 

and  click on Create scenes.

It is going to take a few moments for pictory 

to create scenes for your videos. 

This looks very professional. 

And you can see you can change the text if you want to. 

You can change also the images. 

what is this about any income, 

it is about some weight loss or something like that.  

But if you don't like for example, this video , 

you can go in and change them.

you can type in doctors in 

you can find tons of different videos of the doctors

 that you can leave in the background. 

So you can see this is going to look very professional, 

you can go in and change whatever video you want to. 

I'm going to put some random videos 

just to show guys how this looks like.

So to show guys that 

you don't need actually, to record anything,.

you're going to click on voices right there 

and you can put some 

You can also if you want to, 

read your own script in recorded 

click on record your voice, 

and you can read the script 

that you have posted in pictory 

so you can put your own voice 

or you can use these voice for free.

automate the procedure and go to sleep

voice over artists or softwares read the script for your video. 

you sit back, relax, and 

these voice over softwares will do all that.

So he/she's going to read the script for our video 

and you can do a preview you want to see if you like the voice, 

so you can go and change the voice if you don't like it.

 Or as I said, you can record your own voice. 

It really depends what you want to do with your videos.

So that way, you can go and create these videos in less than five or 10 minutes .

Post it on your YouTube channel to make money online. 

Because you can have content.

you can create five to 10 videos per day 

really easily with these kind of these kind of software's in PLR articles. 

Now you have created free minutes of content 

that is very useful for any for any viewer 

that is looking for this kind of information. 

So, you are providing them with beautiful videos 

in also you're giving them the right information 

that you are searching for. 

So, you don't need to be expert on anything 

that you're creating videos about.

 generate your youtube video 

And that way you can use these PLR articles 

from some of the experts 

and upload them on YouTube.

People are going to be very glad 

because they keep following your videos 

just like most guys are doing the same method

 and they're getting some crazy support 

in the love on their videos with likes. 

They actually love What did they have found 

and that way we are providing our viewers some value in that way. 

So you can click on generate your video right there, 

you can publish it on your YouTube channel, 

to make money online 

or you can go in download it on your desktop,

 then you can do some edits if you want to. 

But I don't think that you need to edit these kind of videos. 

So you can create your video for our YouTube channel. 

how we can monetize our videos

how we can monetize our videos.  

I want to show guys 

How you can get a lot of money with low amounts of views.

you want to do is you need to sell products 

that are related on what these video about. 

for example, if your video is about how to lose weight. 

they're teaching how to lose weight. 

If for anyone who is searching on YouTube 

how to lose weight and they have found your video, 

they're probably interested in how they can lose weight. 

if you can find the right product for your customer 

that is searching for 

and you can sell them for a huge commissions,

another way to make money online via youtube. 

you can go and do a research for any affiliate product

 out there that is related on what are you trying to sell.

 So we are trying to for example,

 teach how people how to lose weight. 

And what you can do is you can go in search for weight loss .

you can find all the products all around the web that you can go and sell for


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how to make money online by youtube

product affiliate program

So what you can do is 

you can sign up for these products.

just click on these products sign up for your product affiliate program.

And someone buys the product through your affiliate link.

for this product, 

you can earn huge commissions. 

you can go in, 

do a research on whatever product

 you're trying to promote.  

You don't want to try to post a video on YouTube;

 and you want to try to sell .

for example, of course how to either know make money online,

 that is not going to make any sense.

But if you're trying to create a video on 

how to lose weight and 

you're providing the product 

that can help your customer 

they're going to buy it 

and you're going to make huge commissions 

with these affiliate programs.

in conclusion

this is really a crazy way 

how you can make money online 

as a small youtuber. 

you don't need a lot of subscribers 

or a lot of views to make a lot of money guys 

We did just the small channel.

So as you can see, 

you can potentially earn over $1,000. 

We told you 1000 subscribers, 

you can know what YOUTUBE is doing, 

if you know how to monetize your channel 

the right way.And if you have the subscribers 

that are highly passionate about what are you posting on 

your YouTube channel to make money online .

Make sure to enroll yourself into email-subscription. 

also give reviews about 

you like or learnt with our blogs.





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