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Drop servicing make money online,
Today guys, I'm going to show you how to make money online
with a brand new method to this blog.
So I've never mentioned this method on this blog before,
it's brand new to you guys on this particular blog.
And what I'm going to do is take you through
step by step on how to make money online with this method drop servicing.
here is someone that's making money with this right now
and you see the results to make it around about six,
eight to $10,000 per month that kind of varies.
Here is step by step how to do this from starting.
So how to start doing this & how this all works.
How you can scale this to the next level.
So make sure you stay to the end so you understand
exactly how this method works.
It's a really, really cool method.
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drop servicing little effort TO MAKE HIGH MONEY ONLINE
So if you're ready to jump into this blog,
guys. Let's jump in.
It's probably going to blow your mind
because it's so simple to do.
It's so easy to understand. crazy.
It's easy to do.
Now this method is something
we're actually gonna talk about the method in a second
and how it works.
But what I want to do is
I quickly just want to give example of someone
that's actually doing this right now.
and this person is doing this.
he managed to get a payment of $6,000.
Now the good thing about this method is
this person is actually not doing any work.
He's just collecting money.
And I know that might sound too good to be true.
You know, there's no guarantees,
we're making money online.
surprisingly,smart drop servicing way to make money online
But what he does,
he essentially uses a service called
drop servicing,
not drop shipping.
So let me explain to exactly how that works
and how you can do this yourself
because it's a really good method
if you're completely new to me.
make money online.
And you're just starting,
and you really don't have any idea where to start, okay?
There's lots of other methods on my blog series
if you want to check those out.
But this is how drop servicing works to make money online ,
and I'll show you how you can do it in a second.
drop servicing essentially works like this.
We have an expert opinion over here,
and he goes online, and he searches for a service.
And then what you do is you sell a service for a price like $120,
I'll talk about services and all that stuff in a second,
you don't actually have to have any skills in anything.
Then what happens is you go and find someone else that does that service,
and you pay them less money, so $20 to $40.
And then once that product is finished,
or that service that person ordered,
you send that back to the person that purchase from you.
So you're a middleman.
drop-servicing works like drop -shipping to make money
It's like drop shipping,
but it's called drop servicing.
It's a really good business model to drop servicing make money online.
Now what happens is you make money from doing this.
So once this guy is purchased,
and we do the end he buys from us
and we send it to someone to Do it at a cheaper price.
In this particular example,
I would make
online $100 in profit.
So how does this work?
Let me explain.
Let's say I want to go
and find a YouTube video editor,
which I do have one and I paid someone to do this for me,
what I would do is I go into Google
and I would put in YouTube video editor,
I would have intent I would search for a YouTube video editor,
then I will find a website that I would pay money to with,
they would create a video for me for a specific price
. So for example,
we have this website here called videochops.com.
It's quite a nice little website.
If I clicked on this website
and went to pricing plans.
They will do me a video a one off price for one video edit for $120.
And that's one video royalty free images,
48 hour turnaround, and all that sort of stuff.
So let's say I go and purchase this particular product.
Now what if this was your website?
And I do think that
these guys actually do drop servicing?
Apparently what actually,
I can go to fiverr.com.
And there's other websites like it.
And I could put in the video editing,
and I can find someone
that would edit that video for a cheaper price.
So for example,an professional online editor
feverr.com would do it for $20.
There's someone else,
that would do it for 30 $10 $20 $95.
you can find options in there
and more cheaper options too ,like $10.
you might not get a very good video,
I'm not really sure.
But we would get up to 16 minutes of footage
provided up to 10 minutes running time.
So it's a 10 minute video for $10 that is extremely cheap.
So I could literally go and set up my own site like this,
then I could go to fiverr.com.
And I could get someone to where we do these videos.
Now you can also add upsells.
So you can have a basic, a standard a premium,
so you can create your own site based on these
So we're going to talk about two ways you can do this.
Well, one way to get set up
and then we're gonna talk About two ways
in which you can actually get clients
and customers to purchase from you.
Because that's the most important part.
If you don't have people that purchase from you,
then you're not going to make any money.
But if we actually go back to fiverr,
the YouTube videos is just an example.
You can do the stuff on pretty
much anything.
So PDF book designed
, design covers, that's a popular one,
podcast cover art.
We could do graphics for streamers,
we could do all sorts of stuff.
But how do you actually find out
what you should do stuff based on right
because sometimes you don't know what you should do.
I will talk about that in a second
as we start to get into the traffic
and how you should
actually get that.
build drop servicing system for you
But what you want to do first
is want to actually set up a basic website or landing page,
to do that.
You can
use products like Click Funnels, or katra.
These are the two top page builders online right now,
and they do cost a little bit of money but that's just part of the game.
You can use these systems To create pages like this.
okay, and you create a page
and you basically,
you find some sort of service that you want to do.
I would recommend video editing, better design,
you're not actually doing the stuff, right,
you're just the middleman, then a design,
ebook covers logos and that sort of stuff.
create a landing page
You go and create yourself a simple website just like this.
Using programs like
Click Funnels
or katra,
you create a landing page,
a sales page,
where you can actually have your service.
Okay, so let's just say that you've gone
and created something like this.
And this is your link.
There's two ways you can
get traffic to this.
Google ads
This is my favorite way first,
you can actually do what we call Google ads.
So for example, if I just go into Google right now
and I put in video editing services,
these ads here,
you're literally placing the edge right
In front of people who have searched for
Old Joe here, or Bob, or whatever his name is,
has put in YouTube video editing,
and he's gone down,
and he's clicked on one of your ads
and he buys your service.
It's like direct marketing running right in
their face.
Now to do this,
you first you want to go to sign up to Google ads,
there are so many tutorials on youtube
that will show you how to run ads
and start to Google AdSense .
use of google keyword planner in drop servicing
But what you want to do is to go to Tools
and go to Keyword Planner,
and you want to put in some keywords.
So I've put in YouTube video editor
and there's a few things I want to look for.
Because these are the keywords I'm going to be targeting
when I run my ads.
Number one, I want to
look for the search volume.
pick high searched low competition keywords
So any particular keyword is getting higher searches per month,
like 60k which is very good, it's very high.
Now also you want to look at the competition you want to see low or medium.
If it's high, then you're gonna be spending more on your ad cost,
medium or low.
If we did YouTube editor .
This one is getting getting low search volume 25,000 per month of 27,000 per month.
However, it's got lower advertising competition.
So you could also run ads to that keyword as well.
And your website will show up and
you can see which one performs better for you.
Okay, so that's what we're doing.
We're essentially going out there, we're getting people
that are typing something into the like,
I've done this guys, I have a video editor of my team
that I hired, and he had his own service.
I don't know if he outsources that or not,
he might be a drop servicer,
but I pay him money to do my videos.
drop servicing to make
money online will be a new normal.
you just go to Fiverr or something similar,
and you pay someone else to do it for you.
When it's completed.
You send the item back to the person
who did the purchase.
And then you collect your basically
your money in the middle you get profit.
It's like drop shipping, but a different
extract benefit from rich traffic websites
Now another way that you can do this guys,
is you can actually use a website called Upwork
to get some free jobs or free traffic.
So I put in video editing here.
people are charging quite good money
on this
website to do video editing.
So here we go. there are persons who are charging $58 per hour,
$40 , up to $50 per hour,
$35 per hour, $6 per hour,
$50 per hour, for $2 per hour,
and $60 per hour.
It usually takes like three to four hours
to edit a 10 to 20 minute video depending on
how much is involved, right.
Establish a virtual image of your's skill you have or have'nt
So you can go and basically list yourself
in there as a video editor.
Then when someone purchases from you from Upwork,
you can go back to Fiverr
and you can pay someone at a lower cost.
many guys have got really good ratings,
pay someone at a lower cost to do the video.
basic editing here, up to 15 minutes of footage provided 20 bucks,
and then you can send it back to the person
who originally hired you to do the job
and they don't need to know
that you're outsourcing it to anybody else.
drop servicing perfectly legal business to make money online.
guys so that's how you can do drop servicing online to make money .
Do you want to do skill based jobs?
or do you want others to do skill based jobs for you?
decision is your's.how you choose smart work over hard labour.
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